Stories & Articles

Please enjoy our wide selection of free articles on a host of Human Design topics, including testimonials from you, our community.

Showing 127 to 132 (of 231 items)
  • The Magnetic Monopole and Human Design
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Magnetic Monopole and Human Design

    One of the core aspects, and most extraordinary mysteries of Human Design is the Magnetic Monopole. Within the framework of Human Design, the neutrino and the magnetic monopole allow us to reliably look at how we operate, and the ways the world operates.

  • Introduction to the Gates of Melancholy
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Introduction to the Gates of Melancholy

    As someone who has dealt with melancholy all of my life, and spent most of my life not understanding the nature of melancholy, simply manifesting my way through it, Human Design finally gave me an insight into...

  • The Background Frequency Will Change the Way We Bond
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Background Frequency Will Change the Way We Bond

    The thing about the background frequency is that it’s going to eliminate one of the basic elements of how human beings operate, which is through sexual allure.

  • The Door Closes in a Few Years
    Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

    The Door Closes in a Few Years

    The glue of the Cross of Planning has held together our lives for the last 400 years. But there will soon be no inherent need, drive, or purpose fulfilled through coming together to protect that way of life.

  • The Moon and Pluto: Reviewing 2018 Transits
    Leela Swann-Herbert Rave New Year

    The Moon and Pluto: Reviewing 2018 Transits

    2018 was the third year in a row that Gate 36, Crisis, was activated in the Rave New Year transits. It was a year in which one crisis led to another, as the world watched the collective drive of 6th line themes of Justice.

  • The Role of Mutation & The Rave New Year Transit 3-60
    Leela Swann-Herbert Rave New Year

    The Role of Mutation & The Rave New Year Transit 3-60

    This year we have Mercury and the South Node in Gate 60.1 Acceptance, in detriment; and, Uranus in Gate 3.3 Survival. Children born this year, with this transit of the 3-60, are going to bring to life...

Showing 127 to 132 (of 231 items)